Modern Simple page

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        <h1 class="text-4xl font-bold">Welcome to Our Charming Site</h1>

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                        <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold mb-2">Title 1</h2>
                        <p class="text-gray-700">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
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                        <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold mb-2">Title 2</h2>
                        <p class="text-gray-700">Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</p>
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                    <img src="" alt="Image 3" class="w-full h-48 object-cover">
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                        <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold mb-2">Title 3</h2>
                        <p class="text-gray-700">Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p>

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                    <h5 class="text-xl font-semibold mb-4">About Us</h5>
                    <p class="text-gray-400">We are a company dedicated to providing the best services in the industry. Contact us for more information.</p>
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                    <h5 class="text-xl font-semibold mb-4">Quick Links</h5>
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                    <h5 class="text-xl font-semibold mb-4">Services</h5>
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                    <h5 class="text-xl font-semibold mb-4">Contact Us</h5>
                    <p class="text-gray-400">1234 Street Name, City, State, 56789</p>
                    <p class="text-gray-400">Email: [email protected]</p>
                    <p class="text-gray-400">Phone: (123) 456-7890</p>
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            <p class="text-gray-400">&copy; 2024 Codezillaye. All rights reserved.</p>
            <p class="text-gray-400">Designed by Codezillaye.</p>